Saturday, December 24, 2011

Black and White

Black – the sky is black.
The clouds swell with rage,
swirling with anger,
the fury unleashed to the earth.
Rain cascades down,
drowning the land,
everything in its path – gone.

The wind tears away at the earth,
like skin ripping from a body.

Debris slices the air,
just like a razor,
destroying lives.
A veil is unearthed,
a veil separating life from death.
They are here,
reaching out,
a hand to hold.
The worst has passed,
the eye is here.

Rain falls from the heavens,
gently washing away the pain,
the broken pieces of life.
White – the sky is white.
The clouds are gone,
the sun shines,
a guiding light, to a peaceful world.

Author's note -- This was a creative writing response for the novel, Lord of the Flies. We were asked to use imagery, like the author, William Golding, and apply it to our writing to describe something horrible, but in a peaceful, awing sort of way. 

1 comment:

  1. Love it. I like the free-flowing feel to the whole thing, and how it starts with such violence, ending in such calm. Beautiful.
