Wednesday, December 15, 2010


The tears flow down my face onto my neck where you used to kiss me.
The blood drips down my arm to my hand you used to hold.
I sit alone, the memories my only friend.

You say I’ve changed,
But I’m still the same,
Just hiding the scars you left behind.

You said that if there was ever a way out of loving you,
You’d lock all the doors and throw away the key,
I should have been the one with the key.

You promised me forever,
You said you loved me,
The world was ours, why did you take it away?

I miss everything we had,
You took it away, without any second thoughts,
You turned my perfect world into a living nightmare.

I see you, long for your touch,
The touch that used to send chills down my spine,
Now the thought only brings back memories that cut to the core.

At night I lie awake,
My mind a never ending whirl of memories,
This broken heart is endless, I needed you.

What happened to us? We shared something so real, so rare,
But now I’m alone, with only you to blame,
Yet I can only blame myself.

What if I would of said, “I love you,” more,
What if I had kissed you every time I wanted to,
Would it had changed your mind?

There is no changing the past, but the future is still ours,
And there’s nothing I want more than you,
But you don’t want me.

How does it feel to be the one who causes my pain,
The one who left me broken?
This is me putting the pieces back together.

Authors Note - It's been awhile since I've written anything on this blog! This new entry is a poem that is kind of depressing, but it's just a way to get my feelings out, and writing is a great way to let them out.

1 comment:

  1. I really don't know why you are apologizing in the author's note, and I wish you wouldn't. When people we care for demonstrate the courage to be open and honest about their experiences, it gives us the chance to show how much we love and care for one another. Why apologize for that?
    Anyway, I love the poem. I love how you use only essential language to convey the ideas, and you also write about something everyone can relate to. I am especially fond of the opening stanza, the concrete image of the tears flowing over the place where kisses used to be. I love that. Very concrete. Good poetry just gives us those concrete images, and lets the reader deal with it.
    I would say fix line 10. It should read, "should have been" :)
